Vihir is a story of two adolescent boys Sameer and Nachiket (cousins, who are best friends) who struggle with their unconventional outlooks on life...
BP is about four teenage friends (Avya, Bhagya, Chiu and Dolly), who over hear that, a friend, a resident of their colony, Jyoti tai, has left their...
Balak Palak
Vira is a mad genius who is deeply love struck on Anaya. Faced with utter rejection from the love of his life, he creates a breakthrough invention...
12 yr old Mahek wants to be the best in everything, but she doesn't know what she's best at. To complicate things further, an old magic-less modern...
Yamuna along with her son Laxman locates in Mumbai leaving behind her abusive husband. She takes shelter in the house of her aunt Chandra whom she...
Nude: Chitraa
He...' is a story of a 13-year ragpicker boy Hari from the Slums of Mumbai who gets a chance to act in a short movie. Hereafter his friends call him...
After her husband died, a mother buys a grinding-machine in order to make a living. Initially fascinated by the machine, her son starts getting...
The Grinding Machine
In an 18th century setting, a Naga sadhu in India sets out on a journey across Bundelkhand to seek revenge for an injustice committed in the past.
Laal Kaptaan