Set in Paris the story follows Lisa, who, while on vacation with her husband, rekindles a passionate affair with her ex-boyfriend. But that may lead...
Horst Adamski takes a job as a department store detective and promptly falls in love with busy shoplifter Lili. His special approaches, however,...
A drama set at a Swiss ski resort and centered on a boy who supports his sister by stealing from wealthy guests.
Lili has left everything behind to travel to the edge of the earth and accomplish her dream, fishing the Northern seas. She persuades Ian, the...
Woman at Sea
Clara s'en va mourir
1 September 2001. Elliot, an American C.I.A. agent holding top secret information on the immediate future of the world, disappears. His sole aim was...
A Few Days in September
Budapest International Chess Tournament. The most likely winner: Cal Fournier (22), French champion, immature genius, socially awkward, compulsive...
The Tournament
It is about a film director who has been engaged by the principal of a high school to be film teacher. The teacher comes into conflict with a...
Kampen om Klasserommet
Alma, alone in her big townhouse, and Mina, a single mother from a housing project in another city, have organized their lives around the prison...
Visiting Hours
When Norwegian scientist Marie attends a seminar in Paris on the actual weight of a kilo, it is her own measurement of disappointment, grief and, not...
1001 Grams
Near the end of WWII a lone U-Boat is sent from Germany to Japan carrying plutonium needed for a Japanese A-Bomb. During the long journey, news...
The Last U-Boat
Master car thieves square off against French gangsters in the South of France with money, women and lives all on the line.
Das schaffen wir schon
After the French defeat of summer 1940, Addi Ba, a young Senegalese rifleman escapes and hides in the Vosges. Aided by some villagers, he gets false...
Our Patriots
Thomas is a drug addict. In an effort to put an end to his habit, he joins a community of former addicts who live isolated in the mountains and use...
The Prayer
A 15-year-old discovers the joys and heartaches of first love with an older teen, but in the ensuing years, cannot seem to move past their breakup.
Goodbye First Love
Gigot bitume
A story about massive robbery from the safe of German railways set in 1946.
The Break
Grégoire Canvel has everything a man could want. A wife he loves, three delightful children and a stimulating job. He's a film producer....
Father of My Children