Young Misato struggles to survive after suffering severe facial trauma. And yet, after the operation, his face will not retain the after-effects of...
The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning
"The Abashiri Family" are one of the most notorious mafia family members in the world. Even though their family consists of only five members, just...
Abashiri Family The Movie
Based on the play "Our Town" (written by Thornton Wilder), the daily life of a girl living in a rural town and the members of the theater company who...
the place named
Ola sets off to Ireland to bring her father's body back to Poland after he dies in a building site accident. But never mind her dad, Ola wants to...
I Never Cry
Rapunzel eagerly awaits her prince from her tower top singing “Someday My Prince Will Come”. Her hair is extremely long and can reach far...
Dream Catcher