Andrea, a young and charming florentine mechanic in the 1950s, romances five beautiful women simultaneously, enjoying life without really committing...
The Girls of San Frediano
A troubled and neurotic Italian Countess betrays her entire country for a self-destructive love affair with an Austrian Lieutenant.
Five portraits of actresses in their "common" life, seen as women rather than movie stars.
We, the Women
A man escapes from prison but he is seriously wounded and eventually becomes paralyzed. He receives help from a fisherman and his family.
Il cantante misterioso
A humble country girl is cast in a film and falls in love with the famous lead actor.
Mai ti scorderò
Villa Borghese, Rome's biggest urban park, is the place where everyday laughs and dramas are consumed. The movie is made of six vignettes set there.
It Happened in the Park
Donne e soldati was an example of a ‘decentralised’ production, far from Rome, something that for the most part Italian cinema...
Women and Soldiers
Cavalcade of Song