The film follows a young boy's search for the mythical island of fireflies described in his mother's bedtime stories. Using the "clues" he believes...
After a tragic incident, a psychiatrist offered Faith, Julio, and Stella life-sized dolls to look after to help cope from the loss of their...
Maria, Leonora, Teresa
For an important case, a policeman needs the help of his former best friend to impersonate the daughter of a foreign dignitary in a beauty pageant.
Beauty and the Bestie
A family retreats to an isolated farm during a zombie outbreak, but years of painful secrets take a toll as they navigate their desolate world.
A story about love, hope, giving, sharing, forgiving and three ducks.
Tatlong Bibe
A modern Filipino family in South Korea tries to mend its strained relationships when the father meets a hit-and-run accident and takes apart the car...
Sunshine Family
Fifteen years after the Maguindanao Massacre, the family of its 58th victim fights for the justice that remains elusive.