The horror film [REC] — directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, and released in 2007 — was an unprecedented triumph for...
[REC]: Horror Without Pause
Abel is a boxer turned debt collector who is struggling to provide for his young son. When he falls in love with beautiful car thief Kay, the couple...
25 Carat
A woman slowly fades into darkness waiting to see her son one last time.
The Source of a River, a Night Stream
Norberto has spent a lifetime with María. They are humble, from the neighborhood, and from time to time robbers. But Norberto needs to take a...
The film takes on a trip through a lively metropolis on the eve of a major holiday, witnessing the love lives, family situations, gender confusion...
Aquesta nit o mai
Inés, Irene and Ivonne gather at their mother's house to attend their father's funeral; they will not return until a year after for the...
A woman goes on a date with her lover and her husband unexpectedly shows up.
Quien mal anda mal acaba
A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.
In a couple, there are wonderful, tender and desperate moments. Losing your pet when you are waiting for your first baby can trigger them all at once.
This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over...
Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays
Ho sap el ministre?