Laura Kendall, also known as Emanuelle, arrives at a remote prison with a long, fictional rap sheet that will allow her to go undercover to report on...
Violence in a Women's Prison
Emanuelle is framed by a corrupt D.A. while investigating a drug smuggling operation and has to tough it out under lock and key, dealing with a...
Women's Prison Massacre
After both his parents are brutally murdered by his fathers rival Gnut and his men the new born Thor is placed in hiding by the physical embodiment...
Thor the Conqueror
After a nuclear holocaust, as the rest of society regresses to primitivism, a small, "elite" group that has managed to escape radioactive...
The Final Executioner
Claudia, Rita, and Caterina are three friends who live in a conservative Italian town and lead seemingly neat and respectable married lives. One day,...
Young, Beautiful... Probably Rich
A young fisherman from Pozzuoli, Gino Esposito, is in love with the sixteen-year-old Laura who reciprocates him with passion; but her family is...
Laura... a 16 anni mi dicesti sì
Three technicians working in an underground laboratory discover that a nuclear war has destroyed most of the aboveground world. After a brief search...
Urban Warriors