A nightmarish evening unfolds for David, a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert, accidentally hit a girl on...
The Good Neighbor
An ageing theatre star struggles with her mental condition and pending diagnosis, while preparing for a role. With the premiere approaching, she...
Artis Baranovskis is a "registrator". He helps his clients by setting up fake companies. An hour before leaving to his own wedding, Artis has to find...
Right Hand Man
A melancholic view facing a mirror of water. It deceives the film’s protagonist, who wallows in longing and memories of his lost lover. The...
Importance of Hydration
Young ice cream vendor Max aspires to become a techno musician but he experiences a paralyzing fear of performing before stepping on stage at a club....
North Pole
Gunars Taurins has become a dad-sitter in Latvia. He wants to return to France as soon as possible once he has found a caregiver for his father. But...
Taurins Senior
A tragicomic tale about the relationship of Guna and the twice older writer Gints. Guna has lost her job, but Gints hasn’t written anything in...
Viestur Kairish Comes Out Of The Woods
When the daughter of the Sun and the Moon is stolen, desperate parents call people to get their baby back. Helpers are given only three days: if at...
Before The Day Breaks
Ludis and his daughter live in a greedy and narcissistic village. One day Ludis’ tractor crashes and the entire village loses electricity....
Lame-o’s is set just before the Millennium, in 1999, and is the story of three school friends who are among the most unpopular girls in their...