Ten short pieces directed by ten different directors, including Ken Russell, Jean-Luc Godard, Robert Altman, Bruce Beresford, and Nicolas Roeg. Each...
In 1986, the director and producer Don Boyd approached ten of the world’s greatest directors and invited them to make a short film set to an...
In 1914, sixteen year old Roger returned home from boarding school during vacation to find his puberty hit hard in a house filled with beautiful...
Exploits of a Young Don Juan
The unpredictable destiny of a woman abandoned by the man she loves. Who could have predicted that the simple address of a private detective agency,...
The Woman I'm Watching
Carole d'Axelle, young author of "A Dream Has Barely Begun", buys the apartment of Norma Sundberg, a very talented writer to whom she has boundless...
Un rêve à peine commencé
The mobster Raymond Bettoun gets out of prison and joins his son Maurice in Miami, a drug trafficker who is about to launch a huge operation. But he...
The Big Pardon 2
With the help of a hidden twin sister, a couturier tries to take revenge on his wife who cheats on him with his partner.
Le double de ma moitié
After a terrible accident, a psychatrist has to help Bruce to regain his memory. In flashbacks we learn that his family had to flee from New York...
Lapse of Memory
Rosette cherche une chambre
The thief: a gangster on the lam, is waiting for a boat which is to sail away from this harbor,a dead end. The liar: a young woman he meets in a...
Le Voleur et la menteuse
A series of stories told by Rosette about her vacation. Filmed in super 8 by Eric Rohmer.
The Adventures of Rosette
Zac is a well-respected French filmmaker who creates a major uproar when for no apparent reason he suddenly vanishes from his posh Parisian apartment...
The Liars
An official's earlier rise to power had some sordid aspects that are about to be uncovered by the death of his uncle. While he is trying to contain...
Is There a Frenchman in the House?