Raymart Santiago stars as the title character of this thrilling biopic that chronicles a local thief’s action-packed reputation by emulating an...
Pacifico Guevarra: Dillinger ng Dose Pares
A group of unsuspecting teens are menaced by assorted creatures from Philippine mythology. The screen eventually becomes a virtual peep-through...
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
They are two very different people. She's a strong-willed heiress running away from a loveless arranged marriage; he's a happy-go-lucky biker...
Four girls began college together. Along with this new phase in their lives also came major change which almost ruined their friendship.
Campus Girls
The Resurreccion's ancestral mansion is believed to have a portal to the other world. Every quarter of a century, it must be opened by a chosen...
The Anothers
A rich woman, trying to fight poverty, disguises herself to infiltrate the poor community, only to fall in love with a man she meets there.
Ang Boyfriend Kong Gamol
Abby thinks she has everything under control until her best friend Sabina walks out of her own bridal shower weeks before her marriage to Abby's...
Don't Give Up On Us
Two women who are unrelated and have never met but very much alike found their lives intertwined when people close to them mistook them for one...
Anghel Na Walang Langit
Elcid (Robin Padilla) and his buddy, Tembong (Dennis Padilla), decided to go to the capital city of the Philippines, Manila to search for greener...
Makuha Ka sa Tingin: Kung Puede lang
A rich old lady, who was dying, hired a detective agency to go in search of her long lost granddaughter. Lacking the manpower for the job, janitor...
Victims of a serial killer seem to be connected to NBI agent Andy Gil.
Indecent Professor