From Murnau to Herzog, and until modern incarnations, a mischievous exploration of a cinematographic legendary character, with Nosferatu himself as a...
Nosferatu: A Film Like a Vampire
After years of investigating across five different continents, a holistic detective on a quest to find his favorite fiction character in the real...
Finding Tom Bombadil
The 20-minute short film “ Piggy ” documents one of the forensic biologist Dr. Mark Benecke carried out decomposition study. Jörg...
A team of Arctic geologists stumble across an abandoned laboratory in which the Nazis developed an incredible and brutal secret weapon during the...
Sky Sharks
It's Lene's first day back at work after some time off. Friends and acquaintances, regulars and strangers come to her jazz and blues bar. While Lene...
Leif in Concert Vol. 2
A man runs amok.
The extraordinary and disturbing story of Armin Miewes, a 41-year-old man from Germany who advertised online for willing victims who he could kill...
The Man Who Ate His Lover
Blood Red Sandman
"Dracula - The true story of the vampire" - Reveals how the vampire myth came into being, when the first "vampire epidemic" broke out, and why Count...
Dracula - The True Story of Vampires
Rest in Peace is all about corpses. About decay and degeneration. About death as an ecological problem, about the dead as human spare parts. About...
Rest in Peace