In a virtual reality simulation that allows people to relive precious moments, a young woman is unintentionally confronted...
Verdwenen Dagen
Isa, a pregnant middle-aged woman, is clearing out her parental home, where her father recently passed away. She is surprised by a visit from her...
After bouncing back from leukemia, 10-year-old Mike is ready to leave the hospital, but his mother never arrives to take him home.
Mike Says Goodbye!
The relationship between Wolfs and Eva will be put to the test. Wolfs is imprisoned for stealing money from the government and Eva tries to forget...
De Overloper
After years living in France, The grandfather of Jakob returns back too his old house. He buys the house and asks his grand-son too help renovate it....
The Red Swan
Two boys with a troubled home situation decide to run away to Berlin.
A David's classmate, Jochem, is harassed by three bullies, but nobody does anything at school, not even David, who feels guilty for not pointing out...