The story of Gloria, a worldly but crabby teen-boy-band manager and Sherman, a morose rural man as they escape from their lives, experience...
During the reign of the Vikings, a man from another world crash-lands on Earth, bringing with him an alien predator. The man must fuse his advanced...
A socially introverted game designer named William Borchert has barely left his house in years. Once reunited with Olivia, the girl he had loved...
A sensitive and realistic portrayal of the families' grief after the devastating crash of Swissair flight 111, in which all 229 passengers and crew...
Blessed Stranger: After Flight 111
William, a once obese and troubled teen, goes back to his family's home after being gone, without word, for ten years and finds it (and his family)...
The Hanging Garden
In the small town of Seacliff, Wash., a child's letter to Santa Claus captures the nation's attention. When the little boy, Chris, writes that he...
A Town Without Christmas
An expectant couple's intimate weekend turns to terror as they discover their secluded country inn is a haunted maternity home where infants and...
The Child Remains
After 31 years at-large, detectives in Wichita, Kansas hone in on the serial killer known as BTK.
The Hunt For the BTK Killer
DeeDee returns to her hometown with her 11 year old son, Trooper, 13 years after she ran off with her boyfriend. Her childhood best friend, Sam, is...
Candles on Bay Street
Frank O'Brien, a petty thief, and his 7-year-long girlfriend Roz want to put an end to their unsteady lifestyle and just do that last job, which...
Two If by Sea
During a blizzard in 1964, Dr. David Henry delivers his son Paul with the help of nurse Caroline. But when Henry realizes his wife is also carrying a...
The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Waitress Annie has separated from her suicidal alcoholic husband, Glenn. Glenn has become an evangelical Christian, but his erratic attempts at...
Snow Angels