A strait-laced French student moves into an apartment in Barcelona with a cast of six other characters from all over Europe. Together, they speak the...
The Spanish Apartment
A tranquil campground in rural France is the backdrop for this erotic sizzler between beautiful teenager Camille and down on his luck ex con, Blaise....
Wild Camp
Five years after their summer together in Barcelona, Xavier, William, Wendy, Martine and Isabelle reunite.
Russian Dolls
Xavier is a 40-year-old father of two who still finds life very complicated. When the mother of his children moves to New York, he can't bear them...
Chinese Puzzle
Maylis and Antoine visit their mother, Sabine, for a Sunday meal. Both the mother and daughter have something to announce. Maylis comes with happy...
Desperate to break free from the poverty of his homeland, Elias boards a ramshackle people-smuggling trawler to France. But when the boat is raided...
Eden Is West