The story is set in a small English coastal town, around the turn of the century. A young woman, thought by many in the village to be a witch, dies...
A prequel to Marion and Geoff, which captures on camcorder the fateful events at a garden party when mini-cab driver Keith's life fell apart. Friends...
Marion and Geoff: A Small Summer Party
An aged Charlie Chaplin narrates his life to his autobiography's editor, including his rise to wealth and comedic fame from poverty, his turbulent...
Five friends who meet at Hull University in the late 1970's and form a barbershop-style quartet. They blow their chance to sing at a graduation gig...
Up on the Roof
Norma is a woman who appears to be leading a very complicated emotional life; she's involved with no less than four men. Michael is the friend she...
"You Ruined My Life" was a cute TV movie (from the Wonderful World of Disney movies that they show on Saturday or Sunday nights) starring Soleil Moon...
You Ruined My Life
In the light of the moon, seduction and pleasure are never what they seem. And neither is Alice White (Amanda Ooms), a beautiful and obsessed woman...
Movie version of The Mallen Secret. Edited together from the episodes of The Mallens.
The Mallen Secret
The trial, under The Obscene Publications Act, of the publishers of D.H. Lawrence's 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'in 1960 was a sensation that consumed...
The Chatterley Affair
Steve Coogan, an arrogant actor with low self-esteem and a complicated love life, is playing the eponymous role in an adaptation of "The Life and...
A Cock and Bull Story
Alice follows a white rabbit down a rabbit-hole into a whimsical Wonderland, where she meets characters like the delightful Cheshire Cat, the clumsy...
Alice in Wonderland
A Yorkshire coal mine is threatened with closure and the only hope is for the men to enter their Grimley Colliery Brass Band into a national...
Brassed Off
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Terra Alpha, where the Seventh Doctor and Ace discover a society in which sadness is against the law - a law...
Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol
Adapted from a play written by two Monty Python vets, this toothy satire launches with a tragic accident at Chumley's chocolate factory when hapless...
Consuming Passions
Photographer Charles Castle is numbed with grief following the death of his beautiful bride. He goes off to war, working in the trenches as a...
Photographing Fairies
Several elderly friends and acquaintances in 1950s London are disturbed to receive mysterious telephone calls predicting their impending deaths...
Memento Mori
Christmas is coming but Barbara is not happy. Not only has she lost her wedding ring but Jim has won on a scratch card she found down the back of the...
Barbara's Old Ring
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it...
Pope Joan
Mature student, divorcee and mother of three Josie finds the social pressures in and out of university more demanding than her academic studies.
Degree of Uncertainty
Adaptation of the Mallen series of novels by Catherine Cookson.
The Mallens