Vince has carefully planned out every aspect of his seemingly successful life until his plans come crashing down around him just one day after his...
This collection of 11 short films produced by Illumination includes: From the "Despicable Me" franchise: Mower Minions (2016); Yellow Is the New...
Minions & More Volume 2
Two friends buy what looks to be an antique table, before discovering it has a far more sinister purpose.
The Table
A sketch comedy which spoofs its own production: A guy trying to cope with the losing his friend is pulled against his will into a lucrative TV deal...
Big Helium Dog
An improv group has as much trouble off stage as on.
Scene In
The latest psychiatrist assigned to assess whether inmate Victor Frank is mentally fit to stand trial for murder gives up in frustration and so the...
Frankenstein Reborn
Two friends initiate a competition to decide which one is the true prank call champion.
Based on actual accounts of werewolf sightings in Walworth County, Wisconsin, the film follows a local sheriff who is finally forced to accept that a...
The Beast of Bray Road