This heroic story follows the life of Karol Wojtyla, a Polish Roman catholic who ascends the throne of St. Peter as Pope John Paul II. As a young...
From a Far Country
Shortly after she moves into her own flat in Brighton, Bella finds she is being spied on and generally harassed by a man living across from her....
Dirty Weekend
Neglected by her family, kept apart from her grandchildren, desperately short of money, Bea begins to gamble - at first for small stakes, but...
Daylight Robbery
Successful soccer player Rod Turner spirals into drunken self-pity until he develops a friendship with an inspirational orphan and a beautiful...
Yesterday's Hero
Movie version of The Mallen Secret. Edited together from the episodes of The Mallens.
The Mallen Secret
Siblings Maisie and Tony, along with their mother, gather for their sister Eileen's wedding. It is a joyous occasion, but through flashbacks, it...
Distant Voices, Still Lives
A group of fervent right wing French nationalists plan to finance a government coup and smash communists by pulling off a daring bank robbery.
The Great Riviera Bank Robbery
Wondering what has happened to herself, now feeling stagnant and in a rut, Shirley Valentine finds herself regularly talking to the wall while...
Shirley Valentine
The fourth and final instalment of the Mallen family saga. Barbara, rejected by Michael, enters into a loveless marriage with a son of the Benshams,...
The Mallen Curse
U.S. Army sniper Charlie Snow finds himself at the other end of the crosshairs when the brother of an Eastern European arms dealer whom he killed...
An account of how Lech Walesa and the "Solidarity" trade union confronted the might of Communist dictatorship in Poland.
Squaring the Circle
Macbeth and his wife murder Duncan in order to gain his crown, but the bloodbath doesn't stop there, and things supernatural combine to bring the...
Murder victims are being found with the hearts cut out. A police detective is assigned to find and stop the killer. Originally an episode of British...
Carpathian Eagle
An out-of-work architect turns his house into a bed and breakfast hotel.
When one of Regan's snouts complains that his girlfriend's recent suicide was murder, the flying squad detective feels compelled to investigate. He...
Adaptation of the Mallen series of novels by Catherine Cookson.
The Mallens