When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges...
The Seventh Seal
9-year old orphan called Rasmus runs away from the orphanage. He meets a vagabond they call Paradise Oskar who likes to sing and play his accordion....
Rasmus and the Vagabond
Emil's reputation for being a troublemaker makes the Svensson family's neighbours take up a collection for sending the boy off to America. But even...
New Mischief by Emil
Television adaptation of Chekhov's story about the spoiled widow Madame Ranevskaya.
Elin Tarp is an unmarried mother with three children who lives a hard life in the countryside.
Tarp's Elin
Monika and Nadja are sisters and ballet dancers. Lately, Monika has lost some of her interest in ballet. Instead, she marries the businessman Ragnar....
About two girl-wolf, Amala and Kamala in 1930s India. They are captured by the British troops and placed in Military hospital, subjected to a harsh...
Amala, Kamala
Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to...
Wild Strawberries
A young beautiful man from Milan arrives at the carnival in Venice. He meets two flirtatious women.
The Venetian
Emil Svensson lives with his mother and father, little sister Ida, farmhand Alfred, and maid Lina on a picturesque farm in Småland. He is an...
Emil of Lonneberga
Svante is a young boy who lives with his family in a Stockholm apartment. One day he meets Karlsson, a chubby little man in the prime of his life,...
Karlsson on the Roof
Stellan Engman is Swedens most unpopular person. He is the meteorologist presenting the disappointing weather outlook in TV. One day he picks up a...
En vacker dag
A punctuation during a theater rehearsal between actor and director.
The Devotion
Nursing a piglet back to life because it's the runt of the litter earns Emil a friend for life.
Emil and the Piglet
Two women and a mentally ill daughter live in an isolated cabin for a couple of summer days.