The Care Bears team up with a troubled brother and sister who just moved to a new town to help a neglected young magician's apprentice whose evil...
The Care Bears Movie
In this interplanetary baseball story, a group of friends are playing a sandlot game on Earth that is noticed by Irwin, an outer space promoter of...
Take Me Up to the Ball Game
Morag the Tulga Witch seeks revenge on her old enemy Logray, shaman of the Ewoks, who holds the magic Sunstar while she possesses it's darker half,...
Star Wars: Ewoks - The Haunted Village
Wicket remembers four memorable adventures from his youth: how he fixed up his great grandfather's battle wagon, the occasion when Latara ran away...
Star Wars: Ewoks - Tales from the Endor Woods
A jive-talking Easter Bunny named Jack decides to retire, so his friends throw him a crazy roast before he officially hangs up his basket. A series...
Easter Fever
A malevolent rock star kidnaps a female singer to force her to participate in the summoning of a demon and her band must help her stop him.
Rock & Rule
C-3PO and R2-D2 are on their way to Biitu to meet their new master, Mungo Baobab, when their ship is attacked and they are taken prisoner. Biitu has...
Star Wars: Droids - The Great Heep
Seventeen year old Izzy Marks lives in Toronto with her divorced mother and finds her life boring and directionless. Meant to be a sequel to Don...
Unfinished Business
This animated adventure goes back in time to the Care Bears' first-ever Caring Mission, when True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse touch down on...
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation