Two gangsters, fighting for influence in the city, decide to get suitcases filled with money and drugs. Meanwhile, another criminal group has the...
Zypcio is an idealistic heir to a large brewery in Poland. In the face of Chinese invasion threatening Eastern Europe, he is corrupted by the...
This harrowing war film is an epic dramatization of the first battle of World War II. The Battle of Westerplatte that began on 1 September 1939 will...
Battle of Westerplatte
Tonia lives with her father and grandmother. Her mother is dead, her father is an alcohol abuser and he lost his job. His grandmother decides to send...
Piotruś – together with his wife, mother-in-law and Leopold – moves to a new home: a historic manor house. And Marlenka decides to...
Baby Boom, or Egg Nogg 5
A gripping story about a man who was the terror of the Russian Empire: the legendary figure of a Polish priest, chaplain and general - Father...
Powstaniec 1863
Lives of three different people living in a small Silesian town intersect.
Son of the Snow Queen