Diane and Kate are not only mother and daughter but also best friends. Their lives are turned upside down, however, when Diane announces her...
Daughter of the Bride
In five acts, this film explores the language of loss through dance, narrative scenes, and performance art, conveying the complexity of grief in the,...
In This Life
Dara Nevo, a young and dedicated soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF)'s elite intelligence unit, races against the clock to find an Israeli...
Patrick returns to San Francisco for the first time in almost a year to celebrate a momentous event with his old friends. In the process, he must...
Looking: The Movie
A young gay man grows increasingly entangled in the marriage of an older couple.
Dating My Mother explores the intimate and sometimes tumultuous relationship between a single mother and her gay son as they navigate the dizzying...
Dating My Mother
An NYC Professor spends the week reconnecting with his family while defending his reputation over controversial behavior at his college. Meanwhile,...
After Class