In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances...
Boom on Paris
Noël Rambert is overwhelmed by fate. Marthe, his wife, has left him. His son, little Jacques, sickly and touching, has psychic gifts. Life is...
Le Petit Jacques
Around 1900, Zaza was the undisputed star of the "Variétés parisiennes". Bonded with pianist Cascard, she indulges in adventures and...
The publicist Henri Michelin is looking for a new star for the review of Eden, a music hall led by Bendix.
Paris Music Hall
The film is a rundown of the songs sung by the stars of the time, chained to various shows such as strip and comic caricatures.
An old violin maker has been killed and the investigators have only one clue: on the night of the crime, a blind street musician heard a melody...
La melodía misteriosa