António is a farmer who leaves his land to go to the city where his son Jorge lives. However, unlike a perfect portrait, the patriarch finds a...
Nothing Ever Happened
At the end of the 80’s, Artur, a young homossexual, along with his 4 friends from the LGBTQ+ community, frequents Cliché, a space that...
In 1974, after years of civil war, the Portuguese and their descendants fled the colony of Angola where groups working for independence gradually...
Tommy Guns
1970 something. As the end of an era of repression approaches, a bourgeois family still in its bubble of power spends its vacation in a country...
The Hunters
A depressed girl passionate about cinema sleeps to escape her reality but is caught up by her dreams.
American Dream
It’s summer, a boy and his friends go to the river. On the ride there, a story is told about a man and his pet snake that tried to eat him. The...
Where the Summer Goes (Chapters on Youth)
The apparition of a bloodstain reaffirms the relentless cycle of life, filmed in all its fragility and complexity.
The Lamb of God
O Esqueleto