A solitary man and his partner share a tense love/hate relationship. Their lives are disrupted when a stranger enters, gradually insinuating himself...
After spending the night together with her idol, Sinclair, Léa hopes to see him again soon. She still finds it difficult to quite grasp what...
Rose, 78-year-old, has just lost her beloved husband. When her grief gives way to a powerful impulse to live her life, making her realize that she...
What's it like to "make a family" when you're not part of the traditional hetero couple? Can two best buddies living on the same floor become a...
Faire famille
A female detective investigates the case of a young mother whose infant left behind has died.
Cold as Summer
For several months, Mika has been finding strange things on his motorcycle every day: red ribbons, coins, locks... Until a mini-cadenas hidden in the...
Mika Ex Machina
A quasi-musical-comedy which descends into horror, set in the early sixties in a college on the outskirts of West Philadelphia. For 15 years, the...