A small group of friends are faced with the sudden tragic death of one of their own when he commits suicide, leaving the remaining six in a free-fall...
Walking on the Sky
Richard Titties, an out-of-shape martial arts wannabe, is shot into an alternate dimension after his girlfriend Cynthia is kidnapped. Her captors are...
Kung-Fu and Titties
A serial killer taunts police while increasing the body count on live streaming TV.
A sickly Mob Don's obsession that a pizza parlor owner is his missing long lost son.
Pizza with Bullets
Meg Peters just can't seem to find Mr. Right, she bleaches her hair blonde and we answer the age old question "Do blondes really have more fun?"
Totally Blonde
A young woman is plagued with recurring visions of a demon-like creature that she believes she actually saw during a night in the woods with her...