The story of Dutch commando Marco Kroon, who, after becoming the first recipient of his country's highest military award in over five decades, finds...
Line of Fire
In a dull village where nothing ever happens, a boy finds a living mummy in his room. It's the start of an amazing friendship.
Dummy the Mummy
Berry has lost everything, but gets a job at taxi company IVOTAX. When Ivo finds out about Berry's past, he devises a trial that culminates in an...
Buckle Up a.k.a. Baklap
Johanna wants to change her life and quit the criminal gangs of the town of Oss in the 1930s. The harder she tries, the more she is involved.
The Gang of Oss
A thrilling love story between the young boxer Vincent and the German Eva, who soon has to marry with the middle-aged Dirk to save her family. While...
The Rotterdam Bombing
Harrie Vermeulen (Jon van Eerd) finds himself in hot water once again in the brand-new comedy "Kantje Boord." As an honest accountant of a large...
Edge of the Deck
After a disturbing call from his mother, Johan has no other choice but to leave Norway and return to the hometown he left many years ago. Back in...
Seaside Walking
Through a personal video diary we are witness of the last days of humanity when a horrible zombie virus is spreading.
The Virus
When a successful young artist named Benjamin is involuntarily committed, he is completely baffled, for he doesn’t remember anything about...
As If I'm Crazy
Tim’s parents start a hotel business on the coast. Their dream comes true, but Tim is less excited. Moving, a new school, new friends,...
Master Spy
Dummie has homesickness. He wants to go back to Egypt to seek the grave of his parents so that he can say goodbye to them. Klaas sees that trip is...
Dummie the Mummy and the Tomb of Achnetoet
Sinterklaas and the Golden Horseshoe
An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the...
The quirky Dutch-Jamaican Hadiah Tromp (21) is the daughter of Navy officer Tromp, who believes his daughter is a perfect fit for the Navy. But...
Het hart van Hadiah Tromp
Albert has always looked up to his aunt Tiny: this beautiful woman from Brabant can make any man’s heart skip a beat. Through Albert’s...
The Fury
In the year of 754 AD, during a time of epic battles and bloodshed, the legend of the pagan warrior king, Rebad, is born, but so is a new weapon...
When Gerben Kooistra, a liberal from the north of Holland, is appointed as the new mayor of a small southern village he starts a battle against a big...
Before he built a drug empire, Ferry Bouman returns to his hometown on a revenge mission that finds his loyalty tested — and a love that alters...
Dummie realizes that he is not as famous as his father, an ancient pharaoh, so he decides to rely more on himself and enters a special contest with...
Dummie the Mummy and the Sphinx of Shakaba