After 52 years of solving mysteries, the Scooby gang reunite at Warner Bros. Studios to reminisce about their favorite cases and how they were...
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You Now!
A brand new making-of documentary with the cast and crew of Vittorio Rambaldi's 1988 film "Primal Rage".
Baboon Bite Maniacs! - "Primal Rage" 35 Years Later
Ben, Gwen, and Max must stop an extraterrestrial who plans to open a gateway that leads to an alien invasion.
Ben 10: Race Against Time
An ambitious young journalist working for her college newspaper becomes intrigued by the recent string of disappearances of several female students,...
Rush Week
A scientist at a Florida university inadvertently creates a "rage virus" while performing experiments intended to restore dead brain tissue in...
Primal Rage