Nagy, a quiet dreamer, embarks on a surprising journey discovering life, love, and human relationships when an unplanned encounter with Salma prompts...
Farq Khebra
Set in the 70's, A middle-aged man, Adel is raised by his strict grandfather who he was deeply inspired by. he met his first love, Nadia who later...
The Crime
Yehia runs a catering business with his sons, Ref’at and Galal; the former is engaged to marry Karima, who actually loves his brother and is...
Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces
The events revolve around the suffering of a father (Eyad Nassar) who is exposed to an assassination attempt and goes through difficult moments when...
A young boy who comes from a broken home, grows up to be a ruthless criminal, then destiny leads him to fall in love with a beautiful girl, and he...
The Serial Killer
Follows the story of Laila, who finds herself in love with two people, while she suffers from fear of being alone.
I am For my Lover
Yassin (Hisham Magdy) and Sara (Hana El Zahid) meet and find themselves in romantic, comedic situations. Omnia (Mai Omar) and Tarek (Ahmed Saadany),...
A Few Hours in One Day
Icflix presents the first Arabic film to portray the story of HIV and its impact on the social settings of those infected with the disease. This...
The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of troubles and difficulties during high school.
High School Girls
A platoon of Commandos’ soldiers, lead by a fearless commander, Nour, and their journey through heroic battles from The Six Days War to the...
The Passage
Taha works as a pharmacist and lives a normal life with his disabled father. When a mysterious murder occurs, Taha's world changes forever. He starts...
Diamond Dust