Well Ammayilu Abbayilu is just that and more. The story revolves around Vara Prasad( Vijay Sai) a four foot something midget with a repulsive nasal...
Ammayilu Abbayilu
The movie follows the journey of Ranveer Malhotra, who against all the odds, has to face deadly obstacles on a plane in order to survive.
A middle-class father in India struggles through a series of unexpected events for upholding respect and smiles.
Do Dooni Chaar
With a price on his head, powerful Mumbai gangster Irfan Khan devises a plan to flee the country and hires four unsuspecting accomplices to help him...
Meera, a blind woman who plays the violin as part of a blind orchestra at a church, is joyous when she gets back her eyesight as a result of an eye...