Bruno, a bisexual but closeted young man lives in rural Hungary with his girlfriend Mari. Also on the scene is her homosexual brother Ringo. Mari...
This I Wish and Nothing More
Aniko (Gabriella Hámori) is a teenage runaway from rural Hungary who heads to Budapest and moves in with her best friend Móni (Martina...
I Love Budapest
1952, Budapest. Kati is thirteen years old when her mother dies. Her father works as a founder at the Miskolc foundry, deprived of his former...
Peter returned from prison in his native city, in the hope that it will begin happy days. With surprise he learns that his sister became a foster...
Pleasant Days
Father and Son. Two lines coming near to each other but only meeting in the infinity. Noel's father is dying. They have never been close to each...
Ha egyszer
The 8-year-old Dani is feeling devastated, lines up all his superpowers to fight for his older sister’s attention during their holiday stay at...
Orsi és Tenshinhan