Comedy stage show portraying the legendary Danish multi-millionaire Simon Spies who lived quite an unusual life in the 70's and 80's, filled with...
In 1613, during the witch burnings in Køge, Denmark, the relationship between two brothers is put to the test when one of them believes that a...
Michael needs a change in his life, so when he hears about clinical trials for a new anti-depressant, he signs up to be a guinea pig - without...
Fear Me Not
In the early morning of April 9, 1940, the Danish army is alerted: the Germans have crossed the border.
April 9th
A psychological drama about Ulrich, a workaholic whose life takes a drastic turn when he is involved in a fatal accident. As his guilt grows, his...
White Night
The film takes place over a day for two young people's lives. There they meet each other and the a number of people in the streets, each in their own...
Caroline - den sidste rejse
Frederik is the headmaster of a private school and one day he is being accused of stealing 12 million Danish crowns from the school. But everything...
You Disappear
A gifted engineer flees his austere roots to pursue wealth and success among Copenhagen's elite. As he rises through the ranks of society, the pride...
A Fortunate Man
When Laura and Christine meet Maria, their friendship takes an intense turn to vulnerability, love and sex.
You & Me Forever
When four female colleagues receive an email death threat each, they are convinced the sender is a war criminal, whom they have exposed. But what if...
The Exception
The end of a summer, a sleepy fishing port on the Baltic Sea and the beginning of a great feeling that must not be: Shortly before the start of the...
A Minute’s Silence
Alice i Lalandia
Karlskov is a self made, successful owner of a large electronics factory, has a wife and five children. They live the good, privileged upper-class...
Into the Darkness
The story is centered on the stubborn farmer Ernst and his wife Louise who are celebrating their 50th anniversary with a traditional Danish gold...
The Butterfly Swing
Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85...