Set in France in 1961-1962 during the Algerian War, Living in Paradise is a thought-provoking examination of the lives of North African immigrants...
Living in Paradise
Roufa is an attractive young man, and that works out well for him because he is a practitioner of "bezness:" he's a sex-for-hire boy for the tourists...
A community of people rejected by society live in an abandoned residence located in a "Medina": an old town in Tunisia. Al Bab, a local criminal...
The Sultan of the Medina
In the ensuing days before his wedding bridegroom Hachemi faces both the anxieties of the future and the shadows of the past. His best friend,...
Man of Ashes
Like a Candide dreaming of Eldorado, Jallel lands in France, hoping to try his luck. From encounter to encounter, hostel to social welfare group,...
Poetical Refugee
Aldo and Marco are twins. Marco, a priest by trade, has always been an object of pride for his mother, while Aldo has already spent six periods in...
Plus beau que moi tu meurs
Le prince