A young British woman is hired as a governess by a wealthy Argentine family. Through her position, she slowly sees how the upper class of society is...
Miss Mary
A lonely film projectionist through a series of odd events, discovers that he is the reincarnation of one of the inventors of cinema, and that a...
Don't Die Without Telling Me Where You're Going
Oliveiro is a young poet living in Buenos Aires where sometimes he has to sell his ideas to an advertising agency to make a living or exchange his...
The Dark Side of the Heart
The sequel to the blockbuster Argentinean smash hit. After ten years, Oliverio is still intrigued by the works of great poets and continues to search...
The Dark Side of the Heart 2
Ernesto Pérez Roble is a tycoon, owner of a multimedia group, who when he dies leaves everything in the hands of his daughter Juana. But...
A group of musicians, prostitutes, gamblers, and laborers, react to the arrival of a tango pianist at a saloon.
Funes, a Great Love
Gabriel and Sergio meet at the psychiatric hospital where they are interned. Gabriel is a rebellious and violent young man marginalized by society....
Héroes y demonios
Argentinian movie about the 1968's beat band "La Joven Guardia" and their effort to get success in hard sociopolitical times.
El extraño del pelo largo
A shy young man has trouble relating to women and asks an extravagant relationship counselor for help.
Cómo seducir a una mujer
An intelligent look at the absurdity of love, prostitution and money.
Ufa con el sexo
Juan Lamaglia y Sra.
Cuatro caras para Victoria
An epic about one of the most turbulent times in the recent history of the Buenos Aires suburbs. In this context, a group of idealists emerges who...
Los bastardos