The film's events revolve around Magda, a beautiful girl who is forced to marry a rich man, but she does not love him, so she decides to run away...
Hasan al-Lul is a poor young man. His father used to smuggle weapons to the guerrillas during the triple aggression. But 40 years later, his son...
Hassan Ellol
Shawaf delivers his neighbor Fatima an illustrative map of the ship sunken at the Devil Island in Hurghada, hidden by gold boxes, accompanied by...
The Devil's Island
Hemaidah is a Farmer who hates country life. He hates working in fields and taking care of the animals in his farm. Though unsatisfied with her, he...
Son of the Nile
Six strong-willed women whose adventurous streak changed the face of film industry in early twentieth century Egypt – a time when the country...
Women Who Loved Cinema
As Rabab escapes from the cruelty of his stepmother and stays with an actress, she meets the young man, Ihsan, who tries to assault her inside his...
Princess Nour Al-Doha, Princess of the Sultanate of Java, is a guest at one of the grand hotels in Egypt. One day, Hamida, the fruit merchant, flees...
Amirat Al-Ahlam