Six young contestants undergo bizarre tests and stop at nothing to top the list of the young faces responsible for shaping 'The New India' and...
The President Is Coming
Wake Up Sid! is the story of a lazy Mumbai college student who does absolutely nothing, with a turn of events will Sid realize his potential in this...
Wake Up Sid
Lallo, a 30-year old reclusive woman's life changes when she inherits her deceased employer's property. She yearns for love, but the men who enter...
Gym-freak brat Rocky falls in love with Rani, who comes from a well-educated Bengali family. Being from polar opposite worlds, the two decide to...
Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani
A safe cracker claims he has lost his memory when two criminals come calling for their cut of the bank heist loot.
Three stories explore different relationships, their respective conflicts and how closure brings an end to a chapter while also ushering in a new one.
Stories on the Next Page
Follows Fauzia, whose mother-in-law Ruxana keeps her captive. She will discover that everything she had been told about her husband Ali was a lie and...
The play depicts the lives of seven people living in Mumbai, all with their own uniquely moving story. It tries to capture the essence of people...
Bombay Talkies
Bauji resists his daughter's request to let her marry the man she loves as the villagers incessantly shame him. However, his opinion changes after he...
Ankhon Dekhi
The movie explores the horrors and fantasies of a patient trapped in a mental asylum.
In a dusty Rajasthan village, two sisters, Badki and Chhutki, are constantly at each other's throats over trivial matters. Their father, a widower,...
Mauji stays in a village near Delhi with his wife Mamta, father and mother. Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, owned by Bansal and his...
Sui Dhaaga - Made in India
The path of a street fighter and a dancer on skates, who are in love, is paved by friendship, grit and hope.
Lafangey Parindey
A boy killed his drunk, wife-beating father. What happens when he realizes that he has now become the man he hated the most. Are we truly the slaves...
With their planned heist gone wrong, Bony and Fundoo get inextricably involved in the pursuit of 'Kohinoor' - quite possibly the biggest scandal the...
Bahut Hua Sammaan
To save their failing marriage, Rahul and Leena throw an anniversary party. However, an unwanted visitor and a crime make a grand scene.
Happy Anniversary
Couching Tiger Mannu
A single mother finds solace with a wealthy, but lonely hotel magnate, together they find love until her past comes back to confront her.
Hamari Adhuri Kahani
Romantic Comedy Film