As members of ESWAT, the elite forces serving Olympus, Deunan and Briaereos are deployed anywhere trouble strikes. Olympus finds itself under a...
Appleseed: Ex Machina
Confronting a mysterious enemy, the Pteranodon Yummy, Kamen Rider W receives aid from Ryu, who has infuriated Akiko by being too busy to attend her...
Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & W Featuring Skull: Movie Wars Core
The year is 2001 and the criminals have taken over Centinel City. The Police have lost control. The citizens are terrified... and no one can stop the...
Techno Police 21C
Licca-chan no Nichiyoubi
ウルトラニャン2 ハッピー大作戦
Ultra-Nyan's adventures continue. This time, he is tasked with finding the cause of the crows' sudden declaration of war upon the cats.
Ultra Nyan 2: The Great Happy Operation
Foiled repeatedly by the predictions of Interpol's supercomputer, Lupin has settled down. His partner Jigen asks him to pull one last heist: recover...
Lupin the Third: Bye Bye, Lady Liberty
What happened to Shotaro, Philip, and Sokichi Narumi on the night that "Kamen Rider W" was born? Based on the Begins Night arc from the live-action...
Fuuto PI: The Portrait of Kamen Rider Skull