The story of Henry, a stand-up comedian with a fierce sense of humour and Ann, a singer of international renown. In the spotlight, they are the...
MTV Unplugged is the first live album recorded by Mexican singer-songwriter Julieta Venegas. The album features a selection of her greatest hits,...
Julieta Venegas: MTV Unplugged
Pepe, a very talented singer, but not very sure about himself, is going to sing on FICLA and he is very nervous. The same day of the contest, he...
Heaven In Your Eyes
From Diego Luna and Alejandro Fernandez, to Carla Morrison and Chavela Vargas, Duncan Bridgeman weaves a cinematic tapestry composed of original...
Made in Mexico
Lila Downs - Desde Bellas Artes México
Natalia Lafourcade - Mujer Divina (Homenaje A Agustín Lara)
Julia is a woman searching for the meaning of life. When Julia is kidnapped by a homeless man, she is transported to a magic world where she will...
Julia And The Portal To The Abyss
Bosé: MTV Unplugged
"Who plays me, hears my voices”, shows a recent moment in the life of Gaston Lafourcade, a classical pianist and harpsichordist who, at the age...
Who plays me, hears my voices
Wos presents his new album at Racing's stadium, the stage chosen by Los Redondos and La Renga. "DESCARTABLE" condenses the hectic social climate and...
DESCARTABLE (Live): The Movie