"AFTER SUNDOWN" is an action-packed story of a young woman who uncovers a dark secret. She is plunged into a gory battle with a predatory vampire...
After Sundown
A second rate film crew is shooting the third in a trilogy of tasteless (yet cheesy) horror flicks called FRIGHT FLICK. The schmuck-of-a-director...
Fright Flick
Members of a rock band raise the undead while recording an album at a graveyard.
Hairmetal Shotgun Zombie Massacre: The Movie
In "Porch Pirates," three detectives—Jack Tyler, Marcos Fernandez, and Sally Jones—tackle the challenge of catching a group of holiday...
Porch Pirates
The seemingly invincible Spider-Man goes up against an all-new crop of villains—including the shape-shifting Sandman. While Spider-Man’s...
Spider-Man 3
Kate Bowman (Jocelin Donahue) is an average social worker who, after the sudden death of her twin sister, is investigating the mysterious deaths of...
Dead Awake
A couple on their first date watch a bootleg movie and discover something dark.
Movie Night
Four desperate bank robbers are forced to abandon their lucrative heist plans and become the reluctant heroes when two of their hostages turn out to...
Living & Dying