As the Algerian War draws to a close, a teenager with a girlfriend starts feeling homosexual urges for two of his classmates: a country boy, and a...
Wild Reeds
Martin, the illegitimate son of an industrialist and a hairdresser, was sent to live with his wealthy father in the countryside as a young boy. Alice...
Alice and Martin
In 1962, in the South-West of France, three boarding school boarders experience their first stirrings of love and clash on ideological grounds. Their...
Le chêne et le roseau
Children encounter a kid-eating ogre.
Hubert et le chien
Gerard is tired of being taken for a good apple by his beautiful family. He leaves everything and starts a garage in a village nestled at the bottom...
Nobody's Perfect!
Éric and Patrice have been friends since high school. Over the years, they have both taken very different paths: Éric has become a...
Né sous silence
Ever since she served on the jury during his trial, Nora has been convinced that Jacques Viguier is innocent, despite him being accused of murdering...