An ordinary boy named Michael is going through some extraordinary changes in his life. His family has just moved into an unfamiliar house, and his...
The story revolves around Hassan, who is studying Arabic calligraphy from a grand master. Coming across a manuscript fragment, Hassan searches for...
The Dove's Lost Necklace
In modern-day Jerusalem, an Arab boy and a beautiful American tourist are accidentally entrusted with a priceless coin from the age of King Herod....
The Seventh Coin
In London, eccentric piano instructor Madame Sousatzka takes on a new prize protégé, Manek, a teenage Bengali immigrant who displays...
Madame Sousatzka
In 1727, an Arab colt is born with the signs of the wheat ear and the white spot on his heel: evil and good. And thus begins the life of Sham. He is...
King of the Wind
Based on real life stories, 'With Love from Calais' is about a British woman who goes to volunteer at the camp. After witnessing life there, she is...
With Love From Calais
Six former friends reunite eight years after their houseshare ended in acrimony and recrimination. But is newly-engaged Martin playing with fire by...
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The...
Red Mercury
Rey develops her newly discovered abilities with the guidance of Luke Skywalker, who is unsettled by the strength of her powers. Meanwhile, the...
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Sara Pascoe explores the concept of monogamy in this funny and insightful film. Through Sara's world, created through live action and animation, we...
Sara Pascoe vs Monogamy
The difficult relationship between a young gay South Asian man and his father, refracted through images of the late film star Sabu of Jungle Book and...
Surviving Sabu