Featuring extensive interviews with the cast and crew, this all-access documentary gives a rare glimpse into the daunting behind-the-scenes efforts...
Making of The Last of Us
A feature-length exploration of the game's creation, and a love letter to the trials of exploring new territory. There are no road maps or guide...
Grounded: Making The Last of Us
Go behind-the-scenes to explore the themes of love and loss and how The Last of Us: Left Behind single player story chapter was created.
From Dreams - The Making of the Last of Us: Left Behind
Learn directly from the team at Naughty Dog about what it took to bring the acclaimed sequel The Last of Us Part II to life, with a new...
Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II
Naughty Dog was founded in 1984. This in-depth documentary takes us on a journey from the beginning of the company to the household name we now know...
Naughty Dog: 30th Anniversary Video
To celebrate the launch of the PS4 version of The Last of Us, Naughty Dog brings last year’s Game of the Year to life in front of hundreds of...
The Last of Us: One Night Live
From Pong to Grand Theft Auto, Charlie Brooker delves into the history of videogames and pulls out a selection of its most significant titles. From...
How Videogames Changed the World