Set in the last days of World War II, a small band of Russian soldiers led by intelligence officer Brana Vasilyeva, who is tasked with trafficking...
Fiona spurs on her neighbor Niall's fantasies by letting him watch her when she has sex with her lover. Their distance-based window affair becomes a...
Little Fantasies
Vlad Tepes is a great hero, but when he learns the Sultan is preparing for battle and needs to form an army of 1,000 boys, he vows to find a way to...
Dracula Untold
Hapless wedding videographers Wacker and Tony find themselves unexpectedly dealing with a dead body, overly-enthusiastic Gardaí, fertility...
Dead Along the Way
Captured in the forest, the vampire Scarlet must endure the judgment of a dogmatic Victorian vampire hunter.
A spellbinding performance film by Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, bringing to life the remarkable story the extraordinary Geraldine Flower, and the...
The Extraordinary Miss Flower