An orphaned boy named Tomás is adopted by Maire O’Donnell to live on a whimsical Irish isle filled with new friends, secret caves and a...
A Shine of Rainbows
A pair of single parents, who have each brought their children to a remote Scottish resort for an annual family-and-games event, are accidentally...
The Cabin
The elder one of each generation in the Furlong family is equipped with an extraordinary capacity. James discovers the nature of his at the time of...
A young woman travels to Ireland. She comes across unexpected meetings, inspiration and even miracles.
By Chance
After her mother’s death, Stacey moves with her uncle Will to a remote region in the Irish midlands. As the two cautiously get to know each...
You're Ugly Too
When a gloomy, God-fearing island community is rocked by the assault of an infant, a psychiatrist is called in to examine Dorothy Mills, the teenager...
Dorothy Mills