A supernatural thriller, laced by flashbacks, and set in Canada’s North-West, “The Stranger” turns on the mysterious titular figure...
The Stranger
Blanca, an 18-year-old foster home resident, is the key witness in a scandal involving kids, politicians and rich men taking part in sex parties....
When a woman visits a Chinese doctor, she discovers her pain is due to pent-up rage, and the only cure is to fully express herself, whatever may come.
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18-year-old Jesús lives with his stern, somewhat unaffectionate father in Santiago, Chile. When not doing drugs, having casual sex or simply...
A pregnant woman, who is taking care of her son with development problems, is at her breaking point when a caregiver from the Philippines steps into...
Lucas is a withdrawn young man with a deep desire to travel. However, he carries the responsibility of supporting his dysfunctional family in his...
Dead Candi
Four stories where an app will open the doors to horror. A young woman in the hands of a sinister network dedicated to the online transmission of...
The adventures and misadventures of officers Salinas and Freire, who will have to settle for their lives to be respected by their superiors.
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