The story of how Sicilian Mafia boss Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), the Godfather of Two Worlds, revealed, starting in 1984, the deepest secrets of...
Our Godfather
The story is set at the beginning of the 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with all...
Golden Door
Rapporti Impropri: After the death of her mother, Silvia, a sexually jaunty 16-year-old girl, is welcomed for a certain period by her uncle Carlo...
Erotic Short Circuits Vol.2
Scandals, bribes, corruption. The Italian newspapers are full of news of corrupt politicians and unscrupulous contractors willing to do anything to...
Il ministro
The story of the first ever "anti-mafia judges pool" established in the '80s at the Palermo Courthouse, in Sicily, in the '80s, while two mafia...
Giovanni Falcone
Lugano, Switzerland. Titta Di Girolamo is a discreet and sullen man who has been living for almost a decade in a modest hotel room, a prisoner of an...
The Consequences of Love
After the death of her mother, Silvia leaves boarding school to stay with her recently remarried uncle in Rome. Everyone welcomes her into the...
Improper Liaisons
Giulia and Carlo have been happy together for three years, but Giulia's announcement that she is pregnant sends him into a secret panic. Terrified at...
The Last Kiss
Faccia d'angelo
Based on the case of the serial killer Donato Bilancia, who murdered 17 people between 1998 and 2000 in Genova.
Ultima Pallottola
TV-Movie on the life and accomplishments of Giovanni Falcone, the legendary Sicilian judge who boldly opposed the Mafia
Giovanni Falcone - L'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra
La trattativa