"She Made Them Do It" follows the twisted life of Sarah Pender, a charismatic, intelligent young woman who would become one of the country’s...
She Made Them Do It
An Army veteran assembles a team of bodyguards to protect a former boxer. Complications arise when the boxer suspects his sister may be romantically...
The Hard Corps
A baby abducted at birth and raised by the woman who took her, eventually discovers she is a missing child, reconnects with her birth parents, and...
Abducted: The Carlina White Story
When a disillusioned woman is implicated in the disappearance of a lonely aging scientist, she must convince the police that hope has the power to...
Life with the latest foster family seems good for teenage siblings Darcie and Hannah. But when Hannah disappears without a trace, it’s down to...
Dying for a Family
At the age of 18, Alexis discovers she was abducted as a baby and the mother she thought was hers is really her kidnapper.
Stolen by My Mother: The Kamiyah Mobley Story
A single mother of two, after being diagnosed with cancer, embarks on a journey to re-connect with her estranged birth mother.
The Birdwatcher
Novelette. a cynical, anti-social, and newly single bisexual woman, reluctantly takes on a roommate to help with the rent on her East Vancouver...
Novelette is Trying
It's fear that they seek! Dr. Schroder listens to her criminally insane patient as he recounts the story of the murder of his four friends. Chip...
Alien Agenda: Project Grey
Focuses on the love life of a Vancouver-based female DJ who is having a very hard time finding the right person to connect with.