Actor Jeremy Irons embarks on an epic journey through the halls of the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain, two hundred years after its inauguration, along...
The Prado Museum: A Collection of Wonders
The «Eye of God» is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Pushkin Museum. It shows how progressive and pro-West Russians can be, when...
Eye of God
In the summer of 2018, on the Serpentine in London's Hyde Park, world-renowned artist Christo created his first public work of art in the UK....
Christo and Jeanne-Claude: Monumental Art
The film traces the rise of one of the world's premier architects, Norman Foster, and his unending quest to improve the quality of life through...
How Much Does Your Building Weigh, Mr Foster?
The first documentary retrospective of Harry Seidler’s architectural legacy, Harry Seidler: Modernist reveals an intimate portrait of his...
Harry Seidler: Modernist — An Exhilarating Retrospective of Seidler's Architectural Vision
Can a single building impact the career of an architect, the image of a global company and even the skyline of a big city? Just a month and a day...
Building the Gherkin
A documentary about the design of cities, which looks at the issues and strategies behind urban design and features some of the world's foremost...
This insightful documentary feature from PJ Letofsky serves as a profile of iconic Austrian-American Architect Richard Neutra, whose work and legacy...
Neutra: Survival Through Design
Docudrama telling the story of a building with a breath taking career that began in the empire, flourished in the Weimar Republic, perished in the...
Der Reichstag