In the small, closed community of a provincial town, Magda tries to maintain a balance within a family facing many serious problems. The families...
Blackmail Boy
This is the story of two Greek families, named Delafrangas and Bisbikides. The former family is very wealthy & lucky, the latter very poor and...
Crying... Silicon Tears
Dream Hotel
Petros is a gay archaeologist who experiences the naked Greek paranoia in the center of Athens. Either by choice or coincidence, he comes into...
7 Kinds of Wrath
In 1974, a group of 11-year-old boys spend the last carefree summer of their childhood, unaware that the world of grown-ups, with its loves,...
The Cistern
Strangers find themselves trapped inside five elevators that break down. Tension rises. There is no communication; just angry men and women bringing...
At the turn of the twentieth century a young merchant is abducted by a group of brigands who are sheltered in a remote mountainous area of Greece...
When the Greeks
A random explosion connects three stories, where strangers are trying to find some way to live on the edge of legality.
Holy Boom
A satire of life in modern Greece, presented through a series of different stories about sex. There are several couples and their relation with sex...
Safe Sex
Thanasis and he will become barber, continuing the tradition of Chatzipapageorgakopoulokonstantinogiannopoulon in traditional shop in the...
An Unbelievable Sucker
This expansive Greek drama follows a troupe of theater actors as they perform around their country during World War II. While the production that...
The Travelling Players
Βαρέα Ανθυγιεινά
Greek drama
In Athens, a radical female journalist and a former stage actor share their lives against the backdrop of the regime change, right after the fall of...
I Remember You Leaving All the Time
The show that broke the box office at the "Vembo" theater. A stage comedy of thieves and sinners.
O agapitikos tis Dimitroulas