Nelly has escaped from her wealthy and controlling family. As she dances in a strip club, she meets Markos, a small yet charismatic gangster, who...
The story of Greek businessmen Pavlos and Thanasis Giannakopoulos and their impact on Panathinaikos basketball club
A Journey to the Stars
In a hazy landscape, an allegorical journey begins for Alexis with people - stations that affect a young person's life, by the crisis of days to...
Grey route
History of modern Greece, so full of adventures: division, national turmoil, disaster, occupation and dictatorship together with the everyday stories...
Theophilus Palios, owns a small traditional publishing house. He man madly falls in love with Sia, that is doing vocals on the show of a known...
I'm Tired of Killing Your Lovers
Irina returns to Athens after long absence to find her step-brother. Her brother's friends, an American musician, a young Russian, a...
Sweet Memory
A group of men in their sixties that spend the August nights in Athens outside a pharmacy during night shift, an ambulance driver who has an affair...
Athens Blues
The film is a combination of documentary and fiction. A woman from the former Soviet Union, Irina, comes to Greece in search of a better life and...
The Way To The West
The 50-year Cypriot tragedy through the memories of an old man, a former gun dealer at death's door. A nightmare, through his operation, unmasks the...
Ali, an Afghan Muslim, lives in Athens Greece. He is trying to get access to the western dream, surrounded by memories of his homeland, his trip to...
10th Day
Fiction, reality and delusion gradually merge during the making of ‘Killerwood’, a thriller about a series of unsolved murders in...