The story of a group of Rembetes, singers and musicians of the Greek equivalent to the blues, in the early decades of the 20th century, seen through...
A young man just released from the army is making great dreams for his life. Finally he gets a job in a butcher's shop and gains the confidence of...
Take Care
A lone car thief, meets a mysterious and charming woman who would be the love of his life but will lure him into a dangerous adventure.
Ντο Ρε Μι Φασολάδα
Ο αντιφασίστας
A script is our life
Two friends, former shooting champions get involved with the world of professional assassins.
A Time to Kill
When good girl Nadia investigates her sisters death she finds out that sadistic pimp Nick is behind it all so she straps on the leather and whips and...
The Wild Pussycat